Qu’est-ce qu’un burn-out ?

What is a burn-out?

 According to the Vidal: ‘Burnout is a psychological disorder resulting from chronic stress in the workplace. It develops gradually in some people who are exposed to frustrating and demotivating working conditions: faced with fatigue, feelings of failure and difficulty concentrating, they tend to work harder and harder in an attempt to regain satisfaction and self-confidence. If working conditions remain difficult, a vicious circle sets in, leading to exhaustion’.

The English term burn-out is often preferred, because this phenomenon has emerged in societies that value extreme profitability, sometimes compared to a form of modern slavery.

This context underlines the societal impact of work on mental health.

What are the symptoms of burn-out?

The most common symptoms:

  • Exhaustion +++,
  • lack of enthusiasm at work
  • reduced performance at work,
  • worry and anxiety,
  • mood disorders,
  • sleep disorders,
  • physical pain...

Can Hylos help people in burn-out?


Yes, provided there is a real awareness of the stress factors that led to the burn-out. As long as a person remains exposed to the same stressful situations, it will be difficult to free him or herself from them in the long term, even if Hylos helps to reduce the physical symptoms of stress

Recovery from burn-out takes time, usually several weeks. Hylos can play a key role in :

  • Reduce accumulated stress by reducing chronic tension.
  • Encourage a gradual return to emotional and psychological balance.
  • Enabling the body to regain inner peace, an essential condition for lasting recovery.

Health is not limited to the proper functioning of the organs, but is based on a subtle balance between :

  • Emotional and emotional life.
  • A balanced, chemical-free diet.
  • A healthy, pollution-free environment.
  • Harmonious social relationships, particularly at home and at work.

To achieve this balance, it's essential to have inner peace, which is radically opposed to burn-out.

How does Hylos help people suffering from burn-out?

To begin with, it is essential to suspend all professional activity in order to cut off sources of stress. Hylos can then be used :

  • Daily, sometimes twice a day for the first few weeks, to reduce accumulated tension.
  • Regularly, to maintain a state of deep relaxation and rebuild a lasting balance.

Once you've regained your inner peace, you can return to work, but you must be vigilant:

  • Avoid the stressful situations that led to the burn-out.
  • Staying connected to your inner needs thanks to Hylos, which acts as a benevolent companion, helping you to maintain focus on your feelings.

The ultimate aim is to maintain a balance between :

  • Inner state (peace, emotional well-being).
  • External results (work, relationships, achievements).

This means being constantly kind to yourself and paying particular attention to the signals sent by your body and mind!

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