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What is a burn-out?

Qu’est-ce qu’un burn-out ?

Here is the definition from the Vidal: "Professional exhaustion, also called burn out, is a psychological disorder resulting from chronic stress in the workplace. It develops progressively in certain people exposed to frustrating and demotivating working conditions: faced with fatigue, feelings of failure and difficulties in concentrating, they tend to work more and more to try to regain satisfaction and confidence. If the working conditions remain difficult, a vicious circle sets in until exhaustion."


Most common symptoms:  Exhaustion +++, lack of enthusiasm at work, reduced work performance, worry and anxiety,  mood disorders, sleep disorders, physical pain...


The English word burn-out is used in everyday language, probably because this phenomenon appeared in the country that is the champion of profitability and was built on slavery. Burn-out is the product of a kind of modern slavery that does not say its name.


Can Hylos help people in burn-out?

The answer is yes, on the condition that there is a real awareness of the causes that have gradually led to burn-out. It is easy to understand that a person subjected to the same pressures in his professional environment will not be able to get out of it easily, even if Hylos reduces his stress, since it will be constantly replenished. The exit of a burn-out is counted in weeks, not in days.


Recently, we are beginning to understand that health is not only about the correct functioning of the organs. It is a subtle balance between all aspects of life including emotional life, a balanced diet without chemicals, a healthy environment (without pollution), healthy social relationships especially in the family and professional environment. To achieve this balance, the sine qua non condition is that we are in PEACE, and burn-out is the exact opposite.


The primary goal of Hylos is to help us regain inner peace, and to do this we must cut ourselves off from stressful influences, especially those of the professional world. But if to get out of a burn-out you have to stop all professional activity, this may not be the ideal solution for everyone.

At first, this break is essential. Hylos helps us to evacuate the stress accumulated over the years. During the first weeks, the body may need two sessions per day. It is only through regular use over time that the return to normalcy can take place.


When peace has returned, we have some distance from events; our sensitivity is again present to warn us of what is good for us or bad, and we are able to follow it. Only then is it possible to return to work, taking special care not to get back into situations that caused the burn-out by cutting us off from ourselves. In a case like this, Hylos is a companion that greatly helps us to keep in touch with ourselves through constant attention to what is going on inside.


It is this balance between our inner states and the outer results that must be preserved with all the benevolence required towards ourselves.